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"Riding Solo"

Updated: Oct 14, 2023

Having just completed my first couple of big bike rides solo, I found it weird not having the safety net knowing someone is there in case you have puncture or get lost.

It took a bit to get the courage up, but when I announced my plan I think the hubby was just as surprised as me.

The morning consisted of Gary helping me to get my gear ready, which brought back memories of when the children where young and dropped it on you that tomorrow was world book day, or they need ingredient's for cookery.

So after a mad dash to get everything together off I went on my adventure.


So I realised half way round that I hadn't taken enough fluid and now I know how much I drink of Gary's hydration when we cycle together.

The other realization was that when us women need to 'pop a squat' we have the big decision to make - Bum or Bike - riding solo meant I had to find the perfect bush, one that would cover me, but one that wasn't to high so I could keep an eye on my bike.


I though I would hate riding miles on my own, but I actually loved the freedom at riding at my own pace, what I did miss was the comradery of being with others, cheering each other on, on a steep hill or the fact that you have just riding past a lovely bit of scenery.

What I did learn is that I will have to mix up the routes so I don't get bored.

Sorcha x

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Oct 21, 2023

So interesting Sorcha!! Well done!!!!! (From Hollie) 😊

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